DryFire: Quick Start
Video of the version 5.1 setup process
Click here, or on the image below, to download a video in Windows ".wmv" format.
The video was taken after everything was physically set up as described below.
The whole process: downloading, installation, setup and first shots, took under 2 minutes.

Laser targets first!
It is very important to get laser targets working before setting up for projection.
Follow the step-by-step procedure below then, if everything is working and you have purchased the projection option, you can carry out the projection setup procedure.
More details about DryFire installation and use may be found in the DryFire User Guide.
Before installing the software
The image below shows a typical room setup, the trigger switch, two Post-it notes and the UGA (Universal Gun Assembly).

- Assemble the DryFire Shooting Stand if you purchased it with your system.
- Connect the UGA to a USB port or USB charger for at least an hour before use. The yellow LED indicates "charging", the green LED indicates "fully charged".
- Clamp the UGA to your gun between the forestock and muzzle.
- Fit the wrap-round trigger switch to your trigger blade with the red switch facing forward.
- Connect the trigger switch to the UGA - wrap any excess cable round the trigger guard.
- Switch on the UGA - the red LED will come on then flash slowly - don't forget to turn it off after your shooting session. When you press the trigger switch you will see the red LED flash briefly.
- Mark the centre of two Post-it notes with diagonal lines.
- Place the simulator between 1.5m and 2.0m from the wall and between 0.5m and 1.0 m from the floor.
- Place one Post-it note directly ahead of the simulator and at the same height - the circular indentation on the top of the simulator base is the reference point.
- Stand where you intend to shoot from - between 2m and 3.0m from the wall.
- With your gun held in your normal shooting stance, aim directly ahead with your barrels level. Mark this point with the second Post-it note.
- Measure and write down:
- the distance of the simulator from the wall,
- the height of simulator from the floor - the height of the first Post-it note,
- the distance you are standing from the wall,
- your eye height in the shooting stance - the height of the second Post-it note.
Important note about measurements
Measurements may be in metric or imperial. In metric everything is in metres (see note below) so a simulator height of 750mm or 75cm is 0.75m. Entering "70" will be interpreted as 70 metres - which is interesting (but wrong)!
Note: there is an exception to the rule - the vertical line used during projections setup is measured in millimetres (mm).

Software installation
- Take all necessary safety precautions.
- Do not connect your simulator to your PC at this stage.
- Download the latest DryFire software. We recommend scanning the download at this stage.
- Run and install the DryFire software - click to go ahead on any warnings.
- Connect the simulator to power and to a USB port.
- When DryFire connects to the simulator it will ask you to enter these measurements:
- simulator to wall,
- simulator height,
- shooter to wall.
- After entering the measurements click on "Next" - do not click on "Advanced".
Muzzle alignment (calibration)
- Take a look 36 seconds into the video above to see the the steps involved in alignment.
- Check your PC speakers are switched on and working - or you won't hear the "bangs".
- Check the UGA is switched on - the LED will flash slowly.
- You will be asked to shoot at your straight ahead position marked by the upper Post-it note.
Stand at your normal shooting location, take up your normal shooting stance, use the bead to aim at the centre of the Post-it note and press the trigger - you will hear a "bang".
Important note: there is no laser dot visible during this first step but the camera head is looking for the location of your first shot.
- A laser dot will now appear - aim at it (bead on the laser dot) and press the trigger - you will hear another "bang".
- Another laser dot will now appear - aim at it (bead on the laser dot) and press the trigger - you will hear a confirmation tone (not a "bang") indicating that everything is now ready.
Important note: it is perfectly normal for the laser dots not to appear exactly at the centre of the Post-it note - this is all part of the calibration procedure.
You should carry out alignment at the start of every DryFire session and every time you fit the UGA.
Select "Settings", "Calibration", "Alignment", "Align current shooter".
- Move on and you will be presented with the normal DryFire screen. So:
- Click on "Simulation", select "Trap", then "DTL" then "Start".
- Click on the triangular play symbol - this will change to a green microphone symbol.
- The software will "beep" when it is listening for you to call "Pull".
- Take up your normal shooting position with gun mounted and a hold position close to the first Post-it note .
- Call "Pull", acquire the laser target, swing through and fire.
- Congratulations - you have taken your first DryFire target.
- Don't worry if you missed - call "Pull" a few times to see where the target starts and where you would like to hit it. Make a note of your ideal hold point then try again. Don't forget lead!
Power supply
Always use the 5V DC power supply that comes with DryFire.
You may have other power supplies in your home and many of them will generate voltages that will damage DryFire. It is easy to pick up the wrong one - so take care.
Never use a different power supply with DryFire. If, after installing the software, the simulator heads fail to nod when you connect the USB and power cables, it is almost certain you have used the wrong power supply and caused damage.
Click here for more details.
You are personally responsible for your own safety and the safety of others around you.

- Ensure your gun is unloaded before using it with DryFire - double check semi-automatics.
- Just as at the shooting ground, never point a gun at anyone.
- Keep batteries and other small parts way from young children.
- Avoid explosions and fire by never recharging batteries unless they say "Rechargeable".
- To prevent damage to your eyes, and the eyes of others, never look into a laser and never point it at anyone.
- Use a cable protector to ensure you don't trip over trailing mains or USB cables.
Wordcraft International cannot be held responsible if you ignore these warnings.
Windows 10 split screen
Click here for instructions on how to see this Guide alongside DryFire as you use it on Windows 10.
Camera setup
You need do this only if your shots are not detected or the system is seeing stray shots.

- Make sure no direct light reaches the wall/screen Check windows, doors, ceiling lights and wall lights - and possible reflections.
- From "Settings" select "Calibration" then "Adjust shot detection".
- Use the compass rose to move the camera head around and try shooting at the area it is pointing to. You should see the "SHOT" message if the system detects your shot.
- If your shot isn't detected, drag the white spot slightly to the right to increase the camera sensitivity then try again.
- You must find the maximum sensitivity without the system seeing background light.
- If you can't get the right setting there will almost certainly be stray light reaching the wall or screen.
Microphone setup

- From "Settings" select "Target release".
- Change the "Threshold" setting and call "Pull" - the word "Pull" will be shown in red next to the threshold value if the system hears your call.
- Continue adjusting the threshold until your call is heard.
During normal use
- The system starts listening after you have selected a simulation and after you have clicked on the triangular "Play" symbol on the control bar (top left).
- The system will beep, and the symbol will change to a green microphone, when the system is ready.
- After shooting at each target you should wait for the beep before calling for the next.
- After purchasing an add-on your invoice will include a token or key looking like this:
- Keys are stored in the simulator so ensure it is switched on and connected to a USB port - the heads will nod when connected.
- Run the DryFire software.
- Select "Settings" then "Add-ons" and find the field labelled "Apply key".
- Enter the key provided with your invoice and click on "Apply".
- A tick will appear when the key has been applied.
- You now have access to all the features of the new add-on.
- A full list of the add-ons you have purchased is shown above the "Apply key" field.
How to scan downloaded files
Scan everything you download from the Internet before using it.
Every day the media tells us about some new cyber attack or scam created by something downloaded from the Internet or arriving in an email - and that's before we get on to phone calls from "Microsoft support", "your internet provider" or "your Amazon Prime account".
Windows 10 and macOS have security features built in but your security depends on you using those features.
Scan everything you download - no matter where it comes from.
The procedure for Windows 10 is straightforward and there is a similar procedure for Apple Mac.
- Download the file by clicking on it in your browser - it will be stored in your "Downloads" folder.
- If you are using the Google Chrome browser you can right click on the file name (bottom left of the screen) after the file has been downloaded and select the option "Show in folder" to open Windows Explorer.
- From Windows Explorer click right on the file name and select "Scan with Windows Defender".

- When the scan is complete you will see a result like this if no threats are found. If threats are found delete the file and contact the supplier. Do not attempt to open or use a file when threats are found.