Optional add-ons
Optional additions to DryFire may be purchased from the store.
Installing an add-on
When you purchase an add-on you will receive an invoice containing a "key" similar to this:
Ensure your simulator is connected to power and USB, run the DryFire software and go to "Settings", "Add-ons". Enter the key into the box at the bottom of the screen and click on "Apply key".
Projection add on
This is covered on the Projection Setup page.
Designer add-on
The Designer add-on provides a new option on the simulation selection screen: "+ New" to add a new simulation.
Click and select an existing playlist or "New playlist" to start a new one. A "playlist" is simply a list of targets you create yourself - like a "layout".
Give your playlist a name ("My targets" in the example below) then select either "Select from library" or "New target".
"Select from library" allows you to select a target from a list of simulations provided in the top left of the screen. In the example below Skeet Station 4 High has been selected followed by "Preview" to show the path of the clay.
You can edit the target name if you wish then click on "Add to playlist" to add the target to your new playlist.
"New target" allows you to create, and name, a new singles or doubles target. You will see a preview as you edit any of the settings for the target.
In the example below:
- The target is called "Trap 1" (This name can be edited.)
- The clay type is "Standard"
- The trap is 1m to the right of the straight ahead position and 0m above the shooter's position. Increasing the "Above" value will put the trap on a "tower".
- The horizontal direction of release is 27.22 degrees to the right of straight ahead. Adjustment was done by dragging the white dot and looking at the preview.
- The vertical angle of release is 61.86 degrees - again, adjusted with the white dot.
- the clay will be released at 20 m/s.
Select "Preview" to show the path of the clay, edit the target name if you wish then click on "Add to playlist" to add the target to your new playlist.
Rifle & Pistol add-on
After adding Rifle & Pistol to your system a new choice, "Target", will appear in bottom left corner of the simulation selection box.
You can select one of the predefined target simulations or "Custom," which allows you to create a standard "bullseye" target of any size at any distance.
Competition add-on
The optional Competition add-on enables you to shoot against others as part of a squad.
Squads, multiple users and multiple guns
DryFire is designed for use by a single shooter but the Friends and Troop packs allow you to add multiples of 5 or 20 shooters to your system. See the store for more details.
Obviously you will need at least a Friends Pack before you can set up a squad for a competition.
Members of the squad may share the same gun (each shooter will have to carry out muzzle alignment before shooting) or each may use their own gun - which will require its own Universal Gun Assembly.
Getting started
A hint will appear when you select "Simulations" after the Competition add-on is installed.
Click on the "Squad" tab after selecting a simulation.
If you don't already have a squad set up you will see the current shooter listed along with three pull down lists:
- Shooter name.
- Gun being used.
- The stand on which this shooter will start.
To add another shooter to the squad click on "Add to squad".
You will now see a list of other shooters who can be added to the squad by clicking on"Add to squad".
If the selected shooter has not shot before they will be given a chance to align their gun. Follow the normal muzzle alignment procedure and continue as normal.
Click on the three vertical dots to change the squad order, delete a shooter or decide that one shooter is going to shoot alone.
Click "Start as squad" when your squad is complete.
When shooting as a squad the standard sidebar changes slightly to show you each shooter and their scores, with the current shooter being highlighted with a different background colour.
Move you mouse over an individual shooter and click on the three vertical dots to display a menu of options. When you started shooting you can use this menu to look at an individual's scorecard..
In addition to the scorecard shown on the PC/laptop screen, the projection add-on will also display the current shooter's score in the top left corner and, at the end of a round, it will display the results for the whole squad.
Report Generator add-on
DryFire records every shot you take and Report Generator analyses this data to show how your performance has changed over time.
You need:
- The latest version of the DryFire software from here.
- The Report Generator add-on - purchased and installed from here.
Using Report Generator
You must shoot at least one full round of targets before the report option becomes available.
Click on the current shooter's name to open the shooters' dialog box.
Click on "Shot history" to see a list of rounds you shot on a particular date.
Click on "Reports", enter the selection criteria you are interested in then click on "Update".
The "Export" option allows you to save the current report as a .PDF file.
The "Statistics option brings up a more detailed analysis.